GNWT providing some immediate financial assistance to flood victims

Flooding victims are able to access immediate funds to begin repairing their homes. (Photo by Luke Carroll/ CKLB.)

Flood victims in the Northwest Territories will be eligible for some immediate funds to begin repairing damage. 

Shane Thompson, Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA) minister, and Caroline Wawzonek, territorial finance minister, announced the creation of the Emergency Disaster Assistance Advance Program (EDAAP), in a press release Monday afternoon.

EDAAP allows for immediate payments to residents, small businesses and community governments impacted by this year’s flooding.

The GNWT was previously criticized by flooding victims for a confusing and slow response to the disaster. 

Applicants can submit a claim for assistance through the regular Disaster Assistance Policy (DAP) process, the release reads.

Successful applicants are able to access an advance of up to 50 per cent of their claims, which will be deducted from their eligible claim under the DAP.

Residential property owners and small business owners can access as much as $10,000, while community governments can access up to $100,000.