
RCMP review recommends more training around sexual assault

Some RCMP officers need “additional training on consent, rape myths and levels of intoxication.” Some officers also included personal opinions in police reports “when it was not relevant to the investigation.” Despite these findings, the NT RCMP’s Sexual Assault Invetigations Review Committee (SAIRC) says overall police were doing a good…

KFC opening in Yellowknife on May 3

The long-awaited opening of the new Kentucky Fried Chicken in Yellowknife will be on May 3. Erin Fenwick, marketing and communications manager for Soul Foods Group, confirmed the date and said construction of the restaurant is on schedule. “These dates are subject to change with the current COVID climate,” she…

COVID-19 case confirmed in Yellowknife

One individual in Yellowknife has been confirmed to have COVID-19. Public health officials say the case is related to international travel. “Existing federal and NWT processes were followed, including COVID-19 testing at the time of arrival in Canada,” reads a health advisory. It adds the individual and three contacts are…

GNWT adjusting fuel prices in communities

The territorial government is adjusting fuel prices in several communities starting April 5. The communities affected are: Łutsel Kʼe Fort Good Hope Tsiigehtchic Ulukhaktok Wrigley Tulita Sachs Harbour Paulatuk The adjustments vary by community, but generally heating fuel and gasoline prices are going up, while diesel is staying the same…

Health minister waffles on requirements for herd immunity

The much talked about 75 per cent vaccination target for herd immunity against the COVID-19 virus may be changing. During oral questions in the Legislative Assembly yesterday Julie Green, minister of Health and Social Services, faced questions from three MLAs about how the government will be easing health restrictions in…