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Hamlet and DEA elections today in Fort Liard

It’s election day in Fort Liard. Two candidates are running for mayor of the Dehcho hamlet. They are Hillary Deneron, and Mike Gonet. Eight candidates are running for the six seats on the hamlet council. It’s also a large field of candidates for the Fort Liard District Education Authority, with…

Blondin-Andrew receives MacLean’s Lifetime Achievement Award

The Maclean’s Magazine Lifetime Achievement Award has been presented to a former leader from the Northwest Territories. Former NWT MP Ethel Blondin-Andrew was given the honour at last evenings, “Welcome to the Hill” event sponsored by MacLean’s. Blondin-Andrew was the first Indigenous woman elected to Parliament 30 years ago. “I…

Cochrane building bridges at Council of the Federation

Political leaders from across Canada are getting their first chance to meet NWT Premier Caroline Cochrane this week. She attended her first Council of the Federation meeting on Monday in Toronto. She says the North is on the minds of Canada’s premiers and made the priority list. “I was quite…