Two 15 year-old youths were responsible for a break-in and theft at a Fort Simpson convenience store earlier this week, according to the RCMP.
Police responded to the break-in at Unity Store on Monday, Sept. 12.

A photo of the recovered goods. (Photo provided by the RCMP.)
Cigarettes and lighters were stolen during the incident.
Police later identified two 15 year-olds as the perpetrators, and the stolen items were recovered.
According to the RCMP, the owner of the store has agreed for the case to be deferred to a Restorative Justice Committee rather than the courts.
Following the break-in, one of the owners of the store posted about the incident on Facebook. He said the two youths, one male and one female, came by twice that morning, at 3 a.m. and 3:35 a.m.
He wrote that the incident is the result of broader systemic issues in communities like Fort Simpson.
“Indirectly the government is morally and ethically responsible for breaking in my store,” he wrote. “There is so much moral debt to be paid to smaller communities as much as financial debt.”
CKLB has reached out to the owner, Muaz Hassan, for comment.