Months later, Sixties Scoop survivors are still waiting for initial payments

Nearly 9,000 survivors are being asked for more information.

Katherine Legrange is the director of 60s Scoop Legacy of Canada, a peer-support group dedicated to healing for Sixties Scoop survivors. (Photo courtesy of Katherine Legrange)

It’s been nearly three months since eligible Sixties Scoop survivors were supposed to start receiving their first payments from the settlement.

While some have received their money, thousands are still waiting because the claims administrator, Collectiva, says their claims require more information.

Kathe Legrange is a survivor and director of the 60s Scoop Legacy of Canada. She spoke to CKLB’s Francis Tessier-Burns about some of the issues survivors are having with the claims process.

Collectiva recently released updated statistics on the process. According to the figures, nearly 9,000 survivors are being asked to provide additional information. Any applicants that have received a Notice of Intent to Reject, a Reminder Letter, or a Supplementary Claim Form are included in this category.

Collectiva has approved the claims of about 13,000 survivors so far.

In June, the courts approved interim payments for about 12,500 survivors. Collectiva says most of these people have received their money. Survivors whose claims were more recently approved can expect their $21,000 interim payment within a few weeks.

While this has been happening, another part of the settlement has been ongoing: the national foundation.

Dr. Raven Sinclair is one of the people that led the foundation‘s engagement sessions over the past year, she recently published a report with Kenn Richard compiling what they heard from survivors across the country.

The foundation is now accepting applications to its permanent board of directors, which will be announced on November 12.

Updated Sept. 3: This story has been updated to reflect that only survivors who have had their claims approved are eligible for interim payments. Still story also previously said that thousands of survivors were still waiting on their payments. It has been clarified to say this is because Collectiva says the claims require additional information. 

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Francis was a reporter with CKLB from January 2019 to March 2023. In his time with CKLB, he had the immense pleasure and honour of learning about northern Indigenous cultures.