Yellowknife RCMP will not conduct internal investigation after officer pulls gun, points it at head of innocent woman

An RCMP patrol vehicle. (CKLB file photo.)

Yellowknife RCMP will not conduct an internal investigation after an officer pulled his gun and pointed at the head of a terrified, innocent woman.

Yellowknife resident Mika Kondo tells the CBC that last December 3, she was in her parked vehicle downtown when a man pointed a handgun at her head.

The Japanese immigrant reports that the man was yelling and opened her driver’s side door.

She told the CBC that her sister, who was in the back seat, slammed the door closed and locked it.

Kondo reports that while still pointing the gun at her, the officer used his other hand to hold up his RCMP badge.

She tells the CBC that she couldn’t see if he was in uniform.

Kondo said she opened her door and put her hands up in the air.

She says the officer questioned her but then left, apparently realizing he had the wrong person.

Kondo tells the CBC that she was badly shaken by the incident.

RCMP G Division civilian spokesperson, Marie York-Condon, confirmed in an email that the officer did indeed pull his gun on Kondo.

She said the officer was looking for potential drug trafficking suspects and a specific vehicle that reportedly matched Kondo’s vehicle.

There is no indication from police that the real suspects were believed to be armed and/or dangerous.

It has not been made clear why he pulled his gun.

York-Condon tells CKLB there will be no internal investigation.

“The officer followed training for risk assessment, so at this time, there is no review, as they followed training standards,” she said in an email. “Should anyone have concerns regarding officers actions, they are encouraged to discuss with the Senior Officers in local detachment, or file a complaint with the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP.”

CKLB has asked to speak with a senior officer about the incident.

We will provide an update if and when one becomes available.

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John has been in the broadcast journalism industry since the 1980s. He has been a reporter in Yellowknife since 2012 and joined CKLB in January of 2018.
John covers the crime and court beat as well as reporting on other areas including politics, business, entertainment and sports.

He won seven national community newspaper awards while he was a journalist with Northern News Services Limited (NNSL).

John worked in Ontario before coming North including stints as a TV sportscaster in Peterborough and senior news writer for CBC and CTV in downtown Toronto.