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Listen: Monitoring the Tibbitt to Contwoyto Winter Road for illegal caribou harvesting

Nearly 150 caribou have been harvested illegally so far this winter.

There has been a push in recent years to educate harvesters in the traditional hunting ways. Despite this, there is illegal caribou harvesting every year. CKLB’s Francis Tessier-Burns recently had the chance to join Environment and Natural Resources officers as they monitored hunting near the Tibbitt to Contwoyto winter road….

Trappers affected by Taltson flood eligible for up to $40,000

"I want to let you know that trap season, for a lot of my constituents, is a wash," says MLA Steve Norn.

Trappers whose cabins and equipment remain stuck in blocks of ice due to flooding from the Taltson River are likely eligible for up to $40,000 from the department of Environment and Natural Resources. Shane Thompson, minister of ENR, says the department has increased the compensation amount under its Harvester Disaster…