Life Style

Inuit-led health survey asks ‘How are we?’

“While Inuit are asked to take part in many surveys, most are not developed and controlled by Inuit.” That’s what makes the Qanuippitaa? National Inuit Health Survey different from those in the past, according to the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation. “It is the only Inuit controlled health survey that includes Inuit…

YKDFN council gets youth boost

Kateri Lynn was the youngest candidate running for a position on the Yellowknives Dene First Nation council and she got the most votes. The 19-year-old receives 204 votes to win a seat representing Dettah. According to an interview with NNSL earlier this month, she said a lack of youth representation…

Dene Tha’ beat Tlicho in Fort Nelson

27 teams competed in the 75,000 dollar traditional Men’s handgame tournament hosted by the Fort Nelson First Nation over the August long-weekend. But after all the drumming, calls, chants and guessing… it was a team from Chateh, Alberta who came out on top in first place captained by Fabian Chonkolay….