
GNWT looks to give polytechnic more independence in restructuring

The territorial government has recently proposed a new governance model for the upcoming polytechnic, offering the institution to operate further at arm’s length. 

Aurora College’s relationship with the territorial government has been “detrimental to the growth and development” of the college. This statement comes from a discussion paper published by the Government of the Northwest Territories on its proposed governance model for the upcoming polytechnic university. The paper adds the relationship has also…

Pilot project intends to offer more streamlined care for mental health services to NWT residents

Mental health support options will be available online and for same-day care, all at the touch of your fingertips.

Access to online mental health resources and a stable internet connection is a paradox for most northern communities. The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) is joining together with the Government of the Northwest Territories for a two-year mental health project to reduce wait times and improve services. Jennifer Drygeese,…

GNWT launches tourism funding program

The tourism sector, which has been suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic, is receiving additional support from the Government of the Northwest Territories. The Growth and Recovery by Investing in Tourism (GRIT) Fund is being conducted in partnership with the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor). The department of Industry, Tourism…

Walmart enforcing face coverings across Canada

Customers and staff are now required to wear a face covering while inside all Walmart stores in Canada. Health Canada identified masks or face coverings can reduce the spread infectious respiratory droplets that cause COVID-19,  says Felicia Fefer, spokesperson for Walmart Canada, in an email. Fefer adds, 60 per cent…