
It’s Gwich’in Day!

It’s the 29th anniversary of the signing of the Gwich’in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement. “We celebrate to honour our Gwich’in rights in areas such as land use and land management, harvesting, economic benefits and the preservation of our culture and our language,” says Kristine McLeod, the deputy grand chief of…

48 projects receive funding to get residents out on the land

The NWT On The Land Collaborative has awarded $840,000 across 48 projects that “connect NWT residents with land, culture, and community.” The upcoming projects will happen across the territory and were awarded anywhere between $3,700 to $40,000. According to a news release, projects can have several benefits such as connecting…

Listen: Monitoring the Tibbitt to Contwoyto Winter Road for illegal caribou harvesting

Nearly 150 caribou have been harvested illegally so far this winter.

There has been a push in recent years to educate harvesters in the traditional hunting ways. Despite this, there is illegal caribou harvesting every year. CKLB’s Francis Tessier-Burns recently had the chance to join Environment and Natural Resources officers as they monitored hunting near the Tibbitt to Contwoyto winter road….