New Mayor Elected in Fort McPherson

Rebecca Blake will serve as the Hamlet's new mayor

(Photo courtesy of Facebook)

A new mayor and council have been elected in Fort McPherson.

Rebecca Blake was elected Mayor with 91 votes, replacing Richard Nerysoo. She beat out George Nerysoo with 69 votes and Bill Prodromodis with 21 votes.

The hamlet’s new council will be Joyce Blake, Sierra Daley, George Nerysoo, and Stanley Snowshoe.

The results were released on the Hamlet’s Facebook page on Tuesday after Monday’s election.

Here are the final results:


Candidate Elected/Not Elected Votes
Rebecca Blake Elected 91
George Nerysoo Not Elected 69
Bill Prodromodis Not Elected 21



Candidate Elected/Not Elected Votes
Stanley Snowshoe Elected 118
Sierra Daley Elected 100
George Nerysoo Elected 96
Joyce Blake Elected 87
Shaylene Blake Not Elected 80
Tena Blake Not Elected 78
Lawrence Firth Not Elected 62
William R. Koe Not Elected 59