Steve Norn charged with breaching Public Health Act

Steve Norn confirmed he and a family member have contracted COVID-19. (Francis Tessier-Burns/CKLB)

Steve Norn, MLA for Tu Nedhé-Wiilideh, is facing charges for breaking public health regulations.

The NWT court docket says Norn broke the Public Health Act in an incident on April 17, the date Cabin Radio reported he entered the Legislative Assembly.

The charge has not been proven in court and Norn did not respond to requests for comment.

Norn identified himself and a family member as two positive COVID-19 cases in Yellowknife in late April.

When Norn identified himself, he said he didn’t leave isolation until after completing his 14 days, but it was later alleged he had left a day early.

The positive cases triggered exposure notices at several Yellowknife institutions.

A COVID-19 outbreak occurred at N.J. Macpherson School shortly after, but it was never confirmed if this was connected to Norn.

Norn was not present in the sitting of the Legislative Assembly last week.

Nicole Bonnell, a spokesperson for the Legislative Assembly, says Norn’s reason for absence was listed as medical or illness.

Bonnell also gave details around the rules for members missing a sitting.

“The Code of Conduct requires that Members give priority to their duties as a Member over all other duties and offices they hold and must dedicate themselves to fulfilling their duty to effectively represent residents of the Northwest Territories,” she wrote.

Additionally, if an MLA misses six committee meeting in a year without a valid explanation, the committee can recommend the member be removed from the committee to the House.

Norn is scheduled to appear in court on June 15.

With files from Francis Tessier-Burns.