Premier moves Minister Chinna off MACA portfolio amid criticism of flood response

NWT Housing Minister Paulie Chinna. (File photo/CKLB).

Paulie Chinna is no longer the minister of Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA).

Premier Caroline Cochrane announced the change to her cabinet in a press release on Tuesday afternoon.

Chinna will retain her other positions, including minister responsible for the NWT Housing Corporation, and will take on the Workers Safety and Compensation Commission portfolio. Shane Thompson will now be the MACA minister and keep his other portfolios including Environment and Natural Resources, and Lands.

Chinna was criticized by victims of the flooding for a confusing and slow response to the disaster in Fort Simpson and Tthek’éhdélį (Jean Marie River) First Nation.

“As a Cabinet we have been faced with a number of challenges, including a pandemic and more recently floods. Housing is our government’s top priority, and these changes will help support our efforts to improve the quality of housing in the Northwest Territories,” said Premier Caroline Cochrane in a news release announcing the change.

The premier would not confirm whether the move was specifically in response to the flooding in the Dehcho.

Chinna held the MACA portfolio before the COVID-19 pandemic, but was moved off it in April 2020. She took it over again in July 2020.

Thompson is the MLA for both affected communities and several victims of flooding have credited him for his on-the-ground efforts during the experience.

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