Fort Good Hope woman recounts vicious attack by stray dog

Miranda Mcneely from Fort Good Hope. (Photo courtesy of Mcneelys Facebook)

A Fort Good Hope woman says she is lucky to be alive after she fought off an attacking stray dog in the community.

Miranda Mcneely says she was walking to her uncle’s house on Jan. 31st when she passed a skinny white and black “Pitbull” looking dog which she thought was a neighbor’s dog.

As Mcneely passed the dog she says it started growling.

“He just came at me,” Mcneely said. “I kicked towards him to try to get away and he started biting my leg.”

Luckily Mcneely had heavy ski pants and rubber boots on which provided protection from the dog’s sharp teeth.

“I kicked that dog to free him from my leg and I started running down the hill to get away,” Mcneely said. “That’s when I tripped and fell and the dog came running towards me.”

The attacking dog jumped on top of Mcneely and immediately lunged for her throat.

“All I could think about was trying to keep the dog’s face away from mine,”  Mcneely said. “I was kicking and yelling and thinking about how I was going to get the dog off of me.”

Mcneely eventually fought the dog off with a powerful punch to the dog’s chest and ran to her Uncle’s house.

Upon arrival, she luckily discovered she didn’t sustain any injuries in the attack.

Chief Daniel Masuzumi immediately had a meeting with Environment and Natural Resources. Fort Good Hope currently doesn’t have funding to employ a bylaw officer in the community.

CKLB Radio is waiting to hear back from Chief Masuzumi about what will be done with stray dogs in the community.


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Arthur C. Green is from Whitbourne Newfoundland and graduated from the CNA Journalism Program. Arthur also studied Business Marketing and Political Science at Memorial University in Essex England and St. John's Newfoundland. Green has worked as a spot news photographer/journalist with such news organizations as Vista-radio, CBC, CBC Radio, NTV, Saltwire and Postmedia in Alberta.