Officials from the Yellowknives Dene First Nation (YKDFN) and the City of Yellowknife are to meet Thursday morning to sign a new Memo of Understanding (MOU).
According to a news release from the city, the MOU outlines how the two governments will commit to working together, building on and modernizing the previous MOU which was implemented in 2002.
The city says the MOU commits to collaboration between the YKDFN and the city through regular meetings between leadership and senior staff.
It recognizes the city’s and the YKDFN’s commitment to reconciliation and mutual support guided by common values and mutual interests, the city stated.
The MOU signing comes on the heels of the news that the city expects to not extend the contract past February of Maggie Mercredi, the City of Yellowknife’s only Indigenous Services Advisor.
Ndilo Chief Ernest Betsina was not happy with that decision nor was Yellowknife’s only Indigenous city councillor Stacie Smith.
Mercredi tells CKLB she will still attend the signing.
The city now says the event will take place at 10:00 a.m. in the council chamber at city hall after initially stating in its news release that the event started at 11:00 a.m.
John has been in the broadcast journalism industry since the 1980s. He has been a reporter in Yellowknife since 2012 and joined CKLB in January of 2018.
John covers the crime and court beat as well as reporting on other areas including politics, business, entertainment and sports.
He won seven national community newspaper awards while he was a journalist with Northern News Services Limited (NNSL).
John worked in Ontario before coming North including stints as a TV sportscaster in Peterborough and senior news writer for CBC and CTV in downtown Toronto.