Candidate profile: Paul Falvo (Green Party)

Paul Falvo (CKLB file photo)

Paul Falvo is a criminal defence lawyer from Yellowknife and the Green Party candidate for the upcoming federal election. He’s also been appointed the party’s Arctic critic.

He sat down with Francis Tessier-Burns to discuss transitioning to a green economy, leaving oil and gas in the ground, and other issues in the North.

Falvo has been in Yellowknife since 2001; he’s spent time with the Coast Guard, as a city firefighter, and as a city councillor.

The election is on October 21.

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Francis was a reporter with CKLB from January 2019 to March 2023. In his time with CKLB, he had the immense pleasure and honour of learning about northern Indigenous cultures.

About the Author

Francis Tessier-Burns
Francis was a reporter with CKLB from January 2019 to March 2023. In his time with CKLB, he had the immense pleasure and honour of learning about northern Indigenous cultures.