
NWT Health Authority launches pilot project for local caregivers

Updated Feb. 21 to reflect budget and spaces available in each community. The Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority is launching a two-year pilot project to provide caregivers for elders, seniors and people with disabilities. The project will be in six NWT communities including: Behchoko, Dettah, Ndilo, Yellowknife, Tuktoyaktuk…

Mackenzie Valley Review Board approves amendment to Diavik closure plan despite possible ‘adverse impacts’

“The Project is likely to result in significant adverse impacts.” Those words are bolded in a recent report issued by the Mackenzie Valley Review Board on a proposed change to Diavik mine’s closure plan. That change would see 5 million cubic metres of processed kimberlite—the material that contains diamonds—stuffed back…

Yellowknife Airport has no plans to implement screening for coronavirus

At this time, Yellowknife Airport has no plans to implement screening for coronavirus because flights from overseas do not land in Yellowknife directly. Unclear if passengers will be screened for coronavirus at Yellowknife airport Agata Gutkowska is an Acting Manager, with the Public Affairs and Communications Policy, Planning and Communications…