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GNWT to remove border checkpoint near Fort Smith

The territorial government announced it will be removing the highway 5 checkpoint at the NWT-Alberta border near Fort Smith.  A press release says the checkpoint will be up until July 31.  The checkpoint was established early in the pandemic as a preventative measure for ensuring no one could enter the…

Addiction recovery funding available for Indigenous governments

The territorial government is accepting applications for addictions recovery and aftercare funds. The $780,000 annual fund will allow Indigenous governments to hire community-based counsellors, the department of Health and Social Services announced in a press release. “These counsellors will support individuals living in recovery from addictions,” the press release says….

Staff shortage expected at Fort Smith Health Centre

Residents of Fort Smith can expect longer wait times as the community experiences another shortage of healthcare workers. The Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority (NTHSSA) is warning the community of this shortage up until August. This decision is “due to uncontrollable circumstances,” says the NTHSSA. Appointments will be…

3,000 COVID spit tests coming to the NWT

The territory will be receiving an alternative method for COVID testing. Now young children and adults who can’t have the standard nasal swab test may use a spit test instead. “The tests are intended to provide an easier and less invasive method of testing for COVID-19,” says Jack Miltenberger, spokesperson…

Tommy Kakfwi elected chief of Fort Good Hope

After a tight race, Tommy Kakfwi was elected chief of Fort Good Hope. The certified results state Kakfwi earned 85 votes, defeating incumbent Chief Daniel Masuzumi who received 83 votes. “It’s the Elders, the Elders that wanted change,” Kakfwi said after news that he had won. However, he credited the…

29-year-old man found deceased near Behchokǫ̀

A deceased 29-year-old man was found after a search and rescue operation near Behchokǫ̀. According to an RCMP press release, police received a call around 4:30 p.m. on July 17 that a man had entered the water under the bridge by Frank’s Channel. Police began searching the shoreline by vehicle…