DKFN member wins award for children’s book on death and dreams

Lisa Boivin is a member of Deninu Kųę́ First Nation. She is an interdisciplinary artist and PhD candidate at the Rehabilitation Sciences Institute of that University of Toronto. (Photo courtesy of Lisa Boivin)

Lisa Boivin was taken from her home community of Deninu Kųę́ when she was a baby.

Nearly 40 years later, she reconnected with her father Bill Norn. Prior to his passing in 2016, Boivin says they spoke often of the meaning of their dreams.

Boivin leaned on her father’s teachings and wrote a book called We Dream Medicine Dreams, where a young girl learns to cope with her grandfather’s death through dreams.

She spoke with CKLB about her experience reconnecting with her Indigenous roots and her inspiration for the book.

Boivin won the children’s category for the Periodical Marketers of Canada Indigenous Literature Award for We Dream Medicine Dreams. The book is available now in most major bookstores.

Below are a some of the images included in Boivin’s book.