‘I’m asking people to be safe and to take this seriously, because it’s real’

Brenda T'seleie-Pierrot, is a Ranger from Fort Good Hope who is helping her community navigate the COVID outbreak. (Photo by Luke Carroll/ CKLB.)

As Fort Good Hope navigates the COVID-19 outbreak, community members continue to do what they can to contribute.

One of those is Brenda T’seleie-Pierrot, the former coordinator of emergency response.

T’seleie-Pierrot has always contributed to her home of Fort Good Hope, including managing the men’s shelter, the first of its kind in any community across the NWT.

Now she is helping in a different way, distributing food and supplies to those isolating.

T’seleie-Pierrot is also urging her community members to continue following the rules of the containment order, mentioning the loss of a respected Elder.

“I’m asking people to be safe and to take this seriously because it’s real,” she said, “for people to not be so selfish and to think of children and our Elders.”

“We lost one of our Elders from the community.”

She says Fort Good Hope has been using all available resources to isolate COVID cases.

This includes the River Bend Motel which is housing COVID patients, while essential workers and those who have tested negative are staying at the Arctic Circle Enterprises.

T’seleie-Pierrot says Twyla Edgi-Masuzumi has taken over the position of coordinator for emergency response. As cases have slowed down in the community she says Edgi-Masuzumi will have a new challenge.

“The new coordinator is trying to put activities together for people at home to keep them entertained,” she said.

T’seleie-Pierrot says she is thankful for all the supplies other communities have sent to Fort Good Hope.

She says donations of groceries and personal protective equipment are greatly appreciated. Anyone interested in supporting residents in Fort Good Hope can send supplies with North-Wright Air or donate here.