Ts’udé Niliné Tuyeta: the Sahtu’s newest protected area of the NWT

(Courtesy of ENR)

Members of K’asho Gotine along with Representatives from the Government of the Northwest Territories gathered in Fort Good Hope Tuesday to celebrate the establishment of the NWT’s newest protected area.

Ts’udé Niliné Tuyeta is 10,050 square kilometres, roughly the same size as Banff national park in size.

“Tuyeta, what makes it special is that is has everything you want, all the animals, forest, lakes and waters flowing. It has moose, caribou, fish, bears, beavers, rabbits and all kinds of birds you wouldn’t normally see in different places. I feel that’s very special. I guess the scenery, places and memories people have like going back over their own places, trails, and on rivers they’ve been before. A very special place to be there and be a part of,” said K’asho Got’ın̨ę Elder Vicky Orlias in a press release.

(Map courtesy of GNWT Department of Environment and Natural Resources)

It covers the land and watershed west of the Mackenzie River and the community of Fort Good Hope.
The GNWT says it helps fulfill its commitments to the protection of biodiversity under the Pathway to Canada Target 1 initiative and the GNWT’s Healthy Land, Healthy People Action Plan.

“For the fight against climate change and biodiversity it’s quite a gift for the country and future generations of Kasho Gotine,” Brekke told CKLB.

This new protected area according to the government will also contribute towards the 2030 NWT Climate Change Strategic Framework and GNWT’s commitment to working with Indigenous governments to advance their priorities.

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Start your morning with the Splash on Denendeh Sunrise from 7:30-8:30am. Campbell was trained and mentored by longtime CKLB host and Gwich'in entertainer William Greenland. Prior to hosting the morning show and filling in on the Saturday Request Show, he had stints in the Yukon on CKRW the Rush, CBC North in Yellowknife, and began his broadcasting career at CJCD Mix 100. Before moving North he was born and raised on the banks of the Tobique River, the traditional territory of the Wolastoqiyik, Tobique Maliseet First Nation.