Here is who will lead each GNWT department

From left to right: R.J. Simpson, Shane Thompson, Caroline Wawzonek, Premier Caroline Cochrane, Paulie Chinna, Diane Thom, and Katrina Nockleby. (Photo courtesy of GNWT).

This morning, Premier Caroline Cochrane announced which cabinet members will lead each department.

Below is the full list:

  • Paulie Chinna (Sahtú) – Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs, Minister of Housing, Minister Responsible for Homelessness
  • Katrina Nokleby (Great Slave) – Minister of Infrastructure, Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Minister Responsible for the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission
  • R.J. Simpson (Hay River North) – Minister of Education, Culture and Employment, Minister Responsible for the Public Utilities Board, Government House Leader
  • Diane Thom (Inuvik Boot Lake) – Deputy Premier, Minister of Health and Social Services, Minister Responsible for the Status of Women, Minister Responsible for People with Disabilities
  • Shane Thompson (Nahendeh) – Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, Minister of Lands, Minister Responsible for Youth, Minister Responsible for Seniors
  • Caroline Wawzonek (Yellowknife South) – Minister of Finance, Minister of Justice
  • Premier Caroline Cochrane — Minister of Executive and Indigenous Affairs.

Both the premier and cabinet were elected on October 24.

In her bid for premier, Cochrane said she’d work to amalgamate the departments of Lands and Municipal and Community Affairs. However, this does not seem to be the case as two separate ministers still head each department.

In a statement, Cochrane said she was “pleased to welcome a new cabinet that includes – for the first time in Canada and the Northwest Territories – a majority of women Cabinet Ministers. We are all looking forward to working together to deliver the change that NWT voters demanded with a progressive and balanced agenda on behalf of all residents of this territory.”

The appointments will take effect the evening of November 8.

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Francis was a reporter with CKLB from January 2019 to March 2023. In his time with CKLB, he had the immense pleasure and honour of learning about northern Indigenous cultures.