Department of Infrastructure

Infrastructure fined $10K for unintentionally destroying nests… In an effort to deter threatened species from nesting

The fine stems from an incident in 2018 off Highway 3 near Edzo.

The department of Infrastructure was fined $10,000 after contractors destroyed the nests of a threatened bird species. The fine stems from an incident where two contractors for the department were working on Highway 3 near Edzo — a nesting area for bank swallows. Bank swallows tend to nest underground in…

Yellowknife Airport has no plans to implement screening for coronavirus

At this time, Yellowknife Airport has no plans to implement screening for coronavirus because flights from overseas do not land in Yellowknife directly. Unclear if passengers will be screened for coronavirus at Yellowknife airport Agata Gutkowska is an Acting Manager, with the Public Affairs and Communications Policy, Planning and Communications…