
New COVID-19 secretariat role coming to the GNWT

In preparing for a second wave of COVID-19, the territorial government is creating a secretariat role within the department of Health and Social Services to respond to the pandemic. The secretariat will work closely with Kami Kandola, chief public health officer, implementing, and enforcing the NWT Public Health Order. For…

Tłı̨chǫ Government, ENR say more training needed to meet proposed wolf reduction targets

If reduction targets are not met by traditional harvesters, then ENR will continue to hire a helicopter and marksman to cull wolves from the air.

Tłı̨chǫ and territorial government officials attribute the low wolf harvest numbers to difficulty accessing the animals over the past winter. With those low numbers, the department of Environment and Natural Resources hired a helicopter and marksman this spring to shoot wolves from the air to try and meet reduction goals….

Marine Transportation Services getting $26M upgrade

The GNWT says there will be an added level of safety with the new barges.

The focus is “making sure we get service,” says Ray Ruben, mayor of Paulatuk. The Marine Transportation Services fleet will be getting four new double-hulled barges. GNWT says the barges will reduce costs by carrying multiple types of petroleum products and cargo to communities along the Beaufort Delta line. One…

Months later, Sixties Scoop survivors are still waiting for initial payments

Nearly 9,000 survivors are being asked for more information.

It’s been nearly three months since eligible Sixties Scoop survivors were supposed to start receiving their first payments from the settlement. While some have received their money, thousands are still waiting because the claims administrator, Collectiva, says their claims require more information. Kathe Legrange is a survivor and director of…

CKLB joins Ulukhaktok community station

The community of Ulukhaktok has another addition to its community radio station. CKLB will now be the second radio station broadcast in the community. The station serves about 400 listeners community-wide. “Our elders depend on the radio,” says Derek Squirrel, recreational coordinator for Ulukhaktok. Robert Catana, Elder, and former radio…

GNWT rolls out new designs for drivers licenses and ID cards

The cards will now have updated security features.

NWT residents can expect a newly designed driver’s license and identification card issued by Sept. 1. Now with updated security features like facial recognition and engravings, will make the cards “harder to replicate and alter,” says Kevin Dunbar, director of the compliance and licensing division. “Our newly designed driver’s licenses…

Drop the Pop campaign awards schools $18k

Over a dozen schools have been chosen as the winners of the Drop the Pop campaign. Out of 45 participating schools, 16 have been chosen for the monetary award, ranging from $500 to $1,875. The Drop the Pop campaign is supported by the department of Health and Social Services to…

Territorial government goes back to the drawing board after rejected day shelter proposal

"The day shelter is temporary, the best thing we could do is to have housing for everybody," says Rebecca Alty, mayor for Yellowknife.

Since the proposal for a temporary lease of the lower level of the former side door centre for at-risk youth was rejected by the city of Yellowknife. The NWT Health and Social Services Leadership Council will be hosting a public meeting to discuss the plans for a new temporary day…