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Territorial government goes back to the drawing board after rejected day shelter proposal

"The day shelter is temporary, the best thing we could do is to have housing for everybody," says Rebecca Alty, mayor for Yellowknife.

Since the proposal for a temporary lease of the lower level of the former side door centre for at-risk youth was rejected by the city of Yellowknife. The NWT Health and Social Services Leadership Council will be hosting a public meeting to discuss the plans for a new temporary day…

What classes will look like in each school across the NWT

With the first day of school only 10 days, here is what the education leaders have planned.

Re-opening plans for all 49 schools in the territory have been formally approved by Government of the Northwest Territories. The department of Education, Culture and Employment, and the chief public health officer has released plans for the school year which features masks, physical distancing and scheduling changes. The majority of…

Katrina Nokleby now minister without a portfolio

Nokleby was stripped of her portfolios on Thursday afternoon.

Premier Caroline Cochrane says she has lost her confidence in Katrina Nokleby’s “ability to fulfill her responsibilities” as minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment, and Infrastructure. The premier removed Nokleby’s responsibilities on Thursday afternoon, saying she hadn’t seen any improvement in Nokleby’s performance since the spring. Asked for specifics on…

Public health emergency extended once again

Self-isolation is the frontline of the COVID-19 defence, says the GNWT in a press release.

From the advice of Dr. Kami Kandola, the government of the Northwest Territories has extended the territory-wide public health emergency once more. This extension expires on September 1, 2020. With over 900 self-isolation plans filed just last week from new workers, residents, and students, health officials say self-isolation is a…

De Beers donates 117 laptops to Indigenous schools

De Beers group shows its support for students transitioning to online learning across the territory by donating dozens of computers. De Beers has donated 117 new laptops to seven schools in seven distinct Indigenous communities in the Northwest Territories. In addition to donating ten refurbished computers to the Yellowknife Public…

Gwich’in groups call out U.S. on drilling plan

The Vuntut Gwitchin Government and Gwich’in Tribal Council are calling out the U.S. government on an oil extraction project decision. The U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) made a decision on the Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing Program on Monday. A press release issued by the two Gwich’in groups…