NWT MP Michael McLeod announced this morning at the Tlicho Assembly in Wekweeti that he will not seek re-election for the Liberal Party in the next election, which could be as late as the fall of 2025.
The Conservatives are in the process of selecting a candidate. The NDP are going with Kelvin Kotchilea, who placed second behind McLeod in the 2021 election.
CKLB had pressed McLeod for his decision as recently as two weeks ago, but he declined to reveal his intentions.
Here is McLeod’s full statement to the Tlicho Assembly.
From the MP’s office at noon Wednesday:
My fellow NWTers,
There has been no greater honour in my life than to serve as the Member of Parliament for the Northwest Territories for the past nine years. After due consideration and many conversations with my family, I have decided that I will not be seeking another term in the next federal election.
From day one as your MP, I have been focused on advocating for action on the priorities of Northerners: increasing local federal investments, improving social supports, strengthening Indigenous communities and advancing reconciliation, and protecting our environment through climate action. As I look at what we have accomplished during my time in office, I know we have made real progress on all of these fronts.
To the constituents of the Northwest Territories, who have elected me for three terms to represent you in the House of Commons: thank you for your trust in me, and know that I did my best to make sure your voices were heard in Parliament. I will be staying on as your representative for the remainder of this government, and will continue to advocate for our territory until the end of my current term.
I owe my gratitude to everyone who supported me along the way: my family, my friends, my staff, my campaign team, and my volunteers. I truly could not have gotten to where I am today without your dedication, commitment, and hard work.
I will be asking our party leadership to begin an open and transparent process to elect a new candidate in advance of the 45th Canadian federal election.
I have decided that it is now the time to cut down on my travel, to spend more time at home here in the North, and to focus on my grandchildren, who are now the centre of my universe.
It has been said many times that elections are designed to ensure opportunity for renewal, and renewal is the lifeblood of democracy. It is now time for me to pass the torch. It is bittersweet, but it has been an amazing journey!
Thank you. Merci. Mahsi Cho.
Michael V. McLeod, M.P.

Michael McLeod earlier in his career. (CKLB file photo)

Michael McLeod congratulated on election by his brother and former NWT premier Bob McLeod. (CKLB file photo)