Bacteria responsible for Lyme disease found in N.W.T.

No human cases of the disease have yet been reported.

(Wikimedia Commons)

For the first time ever, the bacteria responsible for Lyme disease has been identified in the Northwest Territories.

That’s according to the territory’s Department of Health and Social Services on Thursday.

As of yet, there are no confirmed human cases of the disease. But earlier this month, a Fort Simpson-area dog that had recently been in a southern province was confirmed to be carrying a tick with the bacteria that causes Lyme disease.

Lyme disease is an illness that causes symptoms like muscle and joint pain, fatigue, fever, headache, and chills.

The department issues several pieces of advice to residents in the wake of the discovery: Residents should contact their healthcare providers immediately if they find a tick on themselves or are bitten by a tick. For ticks found on pets, owners should remove the tick, submit it for testing, and speak to a veterinarian. To submit the tick for testing, contact the nearest ECC office.

The residents can also use an app called eTick to identify ticks.