Behchokǫ̀ residents will have another chance to be vaccinated.
A pop-up clinic will be at the Kó Gocho Sportsplex on Thursday, May 6 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The Tłı̨chǫ Community Services Agency posted a notice to social media about the clinic, saying it is in response to “the growing number of cases reported in Yellowknife and the extensive number of contacts involved.”
As of Tuesday evening, health officials have confirmed 20 active cases related to the outbreak at N.J. Macpherson School, and an additional seven probable cases. There are also about 1,000 contacts related to the cases.
The clinic will be open to all residents 18 and over. The TCSA is asking interested residents to call the health centre (867-392-6075) to add their name to the vaccine list.
Those requiring transportation can also organize it through the health centre.