Lı́ı́dlı̨ı̨ Kų́ę́ First Nation hosting workshop on foundational Dene Values

The Men’s Warrior Path to Wellness will be held from Nov. 29 to Dec. 5 at the Bannockland Inn.

(Photo taken from Facebook)

What does it mean to be a good man?

Lı́ı́dlı̨ı̨ Kų́ę́ First Nation is hosting a weeklong workshop to answer that very question.

The event is called the Men’s Warrior Path to Wellness, and is part of A Dene Mans Rites of Passage Program aimed at ending family violence. It will provide an opportunity for men to become both educated and re-educated on foundational Dene Values.

Robert Firth is one of the workshop’s organizers. 

“It’s another start for anybody who needs to get on the wellness path,” Firth says, “struggling with any kind of issues; residential school, addiction issues, maybe everything.”

Firth says he hopes the Men’s Warrior Path to Wellness can empower those in need to make some necessary changes in their lives.

The event is inviting Elders to share their knowledge with the younger men in attendance. 

“We’d like to invite some male Elders and younger men to come together and explore and relearn foundational Dene Values,” Firth explains. 

The event will be facilitated by Beverley and Frank Hope who run Shakes the Dust Hope Consulting, a traditional healing and wellness business in Yellowknife.

Beverley says understanding foundational Dene Values includes learning how ones ancestors lived and focusing on kindness and respect.

“People made it through some really hard times and with the foundational values, I think people can get through anything,” she says. 

Beverley says the event will include discussions, presentations and hands-on activities such as art expressive therapy. 

The Men’s Warrior Path to Wellness will be held from Nov. 29 to Dec. 5 at the Bannockland Inn and transportation will be provided for those in need.

Around 10 people will be attending and only two spots are still available — any men interested in the remaining spots can call (867) 695-3131.

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Luke Carroll is a journalist originally from Brockville, Ont. He has previously worked as a reporter and editor in Ottawa, Halifax and New Brunswick. Luke is a graduate of Carleton University's bachelor of journalism program. If you have a story idea, feel free to send him an email at