Dene Nation plans public demonstration against Teck Resources Frontier Mine project

Gerry Cheezie (File photo/CKLB)

The Dene Nation is planning a public demonstration in Yellowknife against the Teck Resources Frontier Mine project.

Robin Ram is a communication spokesperson for the Dene Nation.

“This demonstration will be led by Chief Gerry Cheezie of Smith’s Landing First Nation and has the full support of National Chief Norman Yakeleya,” Ram said in an email to CKLB.

The Frontier Oil Sands Mine Project, proposed by Teck Resources Limited, includes the construction and operation of an oil sands surface mine located upstream from Smith’s Landing and will produce roughly 260,000 barrels per day of bitumen. The project is located in northeastern Alberta, approximately 110 kilometres north of Fort McMurray.

“The Dene Nation and National Chief Yakeleya fully support Smith’s Landing efforts to raise concerns over this project, its potential impacts and to ensure the Indigenous communities living within the Mackenzie water system will not be affected by this project and have a voice at the table,” Ram said.

The protest will take place on February 25, at 12:00 the NWT’s Legislative Assembly.

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Arthur C. Green is from Whitbourne Newfoundland and graduated from the CNA Journalism Program. Arthur also studied Business Marketing and Political Science at Memorial University in Essex England and St. John's Newfoundland. Green has worked as a spot news photographer/journalist with such news organizations as Vista-radio, CBC, CBC Radio, NTV, Saltwire and Postmedia in Alberta.