GNWT seeking public input on three proposed laws

(File photo/CKLB).

The barrage of public meetings on proposed laws continues next week throughout the territory.

The Government of the Northwest Territories’ Standing Committee on Economic Development and the Environment will be traveling to hear from the public once again on three different bills: Bill 34, the Mineral Resources Act; Bill 36, An Act to Amend the Petroleum Resources Act; and Bill 37, An Act to Amend the Oil and Gas Operations Act.

Below is the schedule for the upcoming meetings.

Date Community Time Venue
May 6 Inuvik 7:00 PM Midnight Sun Complex
May 7 Norman Wells 7:00 PM The Legion
May 8 Yellowknife, 7:00 PM Legislative Assembly Building,
Committee Room A
May 9 Behchokǫ̀ 7:00 PM Kǫ̀ Gocho Centre
May 10 Fort Simpson 7:00 PM Community Hall


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