
Fort Good Hope celebrates new Arctic Circle Drum monument

The Northwest Territories’ latest tourism attraction has been unveiled outside of Fort Good Hope. During a ceremony Monday afternoon, members of the community gathered in a ribbon cutting ceremony for one of the largest drums in Canada, if not the world. Viviane Edgi-Manuel, economic development officer for the K’ahsho Got’ine…

Sunrise Festival in Inuvik goes online to celebrate the light

“I think the [community] is excited for the vaccine to come along, so we can come together again,” says Challis.

Inuvik residents have grown accustomed to the darkness but say they’re excited to welcome back the light. This year residents cant gather for its annual festival, instead, they meet online. Today at 1:39 p.m. begins the first sunrise of a new year for the community. “It just becomes a pattern…

How comfortable are you with future tourists? NWT Tourism wants to know

Researchers say they want survey participants to be "representative" of the NWT population.

NWT Tourism wants to kickstart the tourism industry and rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic… if the time is right. The organization has hired research firm Leger to conduct phone surveys and get feedback from residents on whether they feel ready to receive visitors in their community. Residents who participate will…

GNWT launches tourism funding program

The tourism sector, which has been suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic, is receiving additional support from the Government of the Northwest Territories. The Growth and Recovery by Investing in Tourism (GRIT) Fund is being conducted in partnership with the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor). The department of Industry, Tourism…

Indigenous-owned tour company requests support from GNWT

Joe Bailey of North Star Adventures says he is currently 'surviving' of funding from the feds.

The owner of an Indigenous tour company is calling on the territorial government to provide additional support for his struggling  industry. The global COVID-19 pandemic, which shut the NWT’s borders, has forced North Star Adventures owner, Joe Bailey, to lose his entire customer base and subsequently refund $50,000 to prospective…