federal government

Federal government responds to Giant Mine petition

The Yellowknives Dene First Nation (YKDFN) is less than thrilled with the response it received from the federal government regarding the petition for an apology and compensation for the negative effects of Giant Mine. In a Monday press release, the First Nation highlighted shortcomings in the response, which came from Minister…

ADKFN not joining federal appeal on election ruling

Acho Dene Koe First Nation (ADKFN) will not be joining the federal government in appealing a ruling that the First Nation did not have authority to postpone its latest band election. The ruling could set a precedent for future disputes, which is likely why the federal government has chosen to appeal….

YKDFN youth brings Giant Mine’s toxic legacy to TikTok

Morgan Tsetta, a 26-year-old Yellowknives Dene First Nations (YKDFN) member has taken the conversation between the federal government and Giant Mine to TikTok. Tsetta was successful in helping YKDFN get over 32,000 signatures in support of the remediation process, earlier this month. She stresses every single one of those signatures…

SRFN Chief ‘elated’ by federal infrastructure announcement

Chief David Poitras says the news is an example of reconciliation between the government and his community.

The chief of Salt River First Nation says a long-awaited infrastructure funding announcement reflects an “act of reconciliation” by the federal government. “To say we were elated, would be an understatement,” says Chief David Poitras, “our team is excited, happy and relieved.” This project will increase the residential capacity for…

LKDFN launches wild food kitchen with federal dollars

Funding to go towards Northern Farm Training Institute, Tłı̨chǫ Łeàgı̨ą Tsʾı̨ı̨lı̨ Kǫ and Łútsël K'é Dene First Nation

The Łútsël K’é Dene First Nation is launching a wild food kitchen as a result of a federal investment. This comes as part of a nearly $56,000 fund to reduce food insecurity across the Northwest Territories, according to a press release issued by Michael McLeod, NWT MP. The money comes…

Candidate profile: Mary Beckett (NDP)

Mary Beckett is the NDP’s candidate for the upcoming federal election, and the first of CKLB’s candidate profiles. Beckett has lived in Inuvik for 35 years and has spent most of that time helping individuals and small businesses grow. She spoke with Francis Tessier-Burns on bringing a green economy to…