
A safe, stable place to stay for those returning from Southern recovery centres

Long-awaited transitional housing pilot program for addictions recovery in the NWT will take first residents in April

“We can restore and bring back our humanness, based on our principles and our values.” — Łutsel K’e Elder Felix Lockhart A longstanding missing piece of the addictions recovery puzzle in the Northwest Territories has been found in the shape of a two-storey house in Yellowknife’s Forrest Drive neighbourhood. This…

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Ten-week camp for up to 30 Yellowknife homeless opens outside city

On-the-Land program will provide dorm-style cabins, heated outhouses and showers costing taxpayers $9.2K a day

The GNWT is setting up a temporary campsite on the Ingraham Trail that will accommodate 20 to 30 homeless people this winter. “The On-the-Land Camp is designed to alleviate pressure on the city’s shelter system by offering an alternative, abstinence-based environment focused on stability and wellness,” states a Monday news…