Life Style

Review coming of LKDFN culture camp raid

A spokesperson for the Department of Environment and Natural Resources says there will be a review of the “enforcement action” taken at a culture camp hosted by Łútsël K’é Dene First Nation — but not an investigation.  LKDFN has described the event as a “raid”. “We are planning to engage…

ENR investigating illegal caribou harvest

Wildlife officers are investigating an incident of illegal caribou harvesting within the Kǫk’èetı Ekwǫ̀ (Bathurst caribou) no-hunting zone. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources says this is the fourth investigation this year. “(Sixteen) caribou appear to have been harvested illegally in the mobile zone,” reads a post to social…

Bluenose-East caribou maybe recovering; Bathurst continue to drop

The Sahtì Ekwǫ̀ (Bluenose-East caribou) herd may be stabilizing, according to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. On Thursday, ENR staff and Tammy Steinwand-Deschambeault, the Tłı̨chǫ Government’s director of culture and lands protection, presented the latest population survey results for Sahtì Ekwǫ̀ and Kǫk’èetı Ekwǫ̀ (Bathurst caribou) to the…