
A safe, stable place to stay for those returning from Southern recovery centres

Long-awaited transitional housing pilot program for addictions recovery in the NWT will take first residents in April

“We can restore and bring back our humanness, based on our principles and our values.” — Łutsel K’e Elder Felix Lockhart A longstanding missing piece of the addictions recovery puzzle in the Northwest Territories has been found in the shape of a two-storey house in Yellowknife’s Forrest Drive neighbourhood. This…

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City open to ‘homeless encampments’ on public land, says Mayor Rebecca Alty

Social advocate Georgina Franki says new tent platform on Commissioner’s land at Niven Lake a good place to start

More homeless encampments could be popping up in Yellowknife, as city officials are in discussions with their GNWT counterparts over how to handle the increased number of street-involved people here this summer. There are already tents in clusters on the west loop of the Frame Lake Trail and a large…