
Black Métis artist turns dark history into colorful future

Robert Burke, 80, creates new TRC stamp with Canada Post and Survivors Circle

“I’m a hardcore Northwest Territories artist,” says Robert Burke. “It means I’m a fighter, my art shows that I fight.” Artist and residential school survivor Burke, 80, paints his truth and life experience being “raised by institutions” in his latest piece submitted to Canada Post in the wake of the…

Take Back the Night returns to Yellowknife after six years

‘Let’s use the 11 official languages in the NWT to raise awareness of the violence that continues in our communities."

“Evil lurks in the darkened corners, and not everyone is tucked safely into bed in their homes,” said Sabet Biscaye, director of the GNWT’s gender equity division, at the Take Back the Night event on Saturday evening. Dozens of supporters rallied together at Somba K’e Park for a march against…

Oral histories brought to life in Inuvialuk Elder’s memoir: Kunuuksayuukka

Rose Nirliq Iriarr̂uk Tuuqłak Kirby took over 40 years, paired with one good hand to write this 300 page book

CKLB Radio · Oral histories brought to life in Inuvialuk Elder’s memoir: Kunuuksayuukka Inuvialuk Elder Rose Nirliq Iriarr̂uk Tuuqłak Kirby,79, gives readers a glimpse of the past, untouched by colonization, in her first book and family memoir. It is called Kunuuksayuukka: The Spirit of Winter Storms and was launched in…

‘I built a lot of skills and muscle the way that I was raised’: Inuit bodybuilder qualifies for nationals

Diane Marin took home a trophy at this year's Alberta Summer Naturals competition

“I love challenges and I love to push myself to my limits,” says Yellowknife athlete, Diane Marin. “Although your physique can look great, you can always aspire to do better or improve. And it’s always nice to have a goal.” Marin, 31, was the only athlete representing the Northwest Territories…

Łı́ı́dlı̨ı̨ Kų́ę́ First Nation chef revitalizes Indigenous cuisine on APTN

With food prices going up, Denia Baltzer says it’s time to get back to a more self-sustaining way of living

A member of Łııdlı̨ı̨ Kųę First Nation is making her television debut as the co-host of Back to Roots, an APTN program that delves into Indigenous food, ingredients and life experiences. Her name is Denia Baltzer and she has been behind the stove since she was eight years old. Baltzer…

Investigation underway after Giant Mine water spill

Roughly 40,000 litres of waste water containing arsenic has spilled at the Giant Mine site in Yellowknife earlier this month. Although there are no immediate impacts to the surrounding area, Meghan Housley, senior communications officer for the Giant Mine Remediation Project says a final and more detailed report is expected…

Boil water advisory for Sambaa K’e lifted

A precautionary advisory was issued on July 15 due to a mechanical failure in the water treatment system

The boil water advisory for the community of Sambaa K’e has been lifted. The advisory was issued by the community government and the Chief Environmental Health Officer on July 15. It was due to a critical mechanical failure in the community water treatment system that caused muddy water. “There have…