Articles by CKLB News

Woman kidnapped and sexually assaulted for one week in a tent, say Yellowknife RCMP

The ordeal took place on public land, but little is known about the 47-year-old suspect who is now in custody

A woman was held against her will by a man brandishing a weapon for one week in a tent, Yellowknife RCMP reported today. The exact location of the tent wasn’t released, but RCMP stated it was on public land. The suspect was also out on bail for unknown other charges….

Fort Good Hope wildfire still partly moving away from community

'We cannot and will not allow this to happen again to our community and family members,' says Chief Collin Pierrot

The wildfire at Fort Good Hope was aided with winds yesterday, moving the fire away from the community and towards a 2017 burn area. Frank McKay is the Information Officer for the fire, known as VQ001. “Our area of concern is the fire perimeter facing the community and our efforts…