Articles by CKLB News

New diesel plant opens in Sachs Harbour

A new diesel power plant is officially up and running in Sachs Harbour. “The new plant will provide more reliable service, require less diesel fuel consumption and allow for the future addition of renewable energy sources to the local system,” reads a press release. It also was built to be…

Feds reimburse $15M to Indigenous groups for wildfire expenses

Indigenous governments and organizations impacted by the 2023 wildfire season have been given a total of $15 million to reimburse them for expenses incurred supporting their members. Minister of Northern Affairs Dan Vandal stated in a release: “The funding will support Indigenous governments and organizations who stepped up to provide…

‘Confident, high-performing’ candidates wanted for Kristine McLeod award

A reminder that the nomination deadline for the Kristine McLeod Emerging Indigenous Leader Award is March 31. The award recognizes young Indigenous NWT residents who demonstrate exceptional initiative and commitment to the principles of public service within community, territorial, federal, or Indigenous government. Who is a good candidate? The GNWT…

Firearm discharged at house party on KFN Reserve

A male party-goer on court order not to have firearms shot off a gun after an argument started in the early hours on the K’atl’odeeche First Nation Reserve. The end result is 28-year-old Ryan Beaulieu was arrested without incident and now faces a host of firearms-related charges. RCMP stated in…

Double homicide on residential street in Yellowknife 

Two people were killed on Bigelow Crescent in Yellowknife early Saturday morningin what police are calling a double homicide. Police were called to a residence in the Kam Lake neighborhood after receiving information about several people injured inside.  Once they arrived, officers found one person already deceased and another suffering…