The sight of illegal caribou wastage alongside a winter road has the GNWT and Indigenous leaders taking action to reinforce responsible harvesting practices and strengthen conservation efforts to protect the animals for future generations.
So far this Tibbitt to Contwoyto Winter Road season, at least 48 caribou have been wasted, including 22 pregnant cows where most only had the backstraps taken, stated a release.
This marks a significant increase in illegal harvesting compared to previous years.
Tłı̨chǫ Grand Chief Jackson Lafferty urged all harvesters to practice respect and responsibility in caribou harvesting.
He stated: “Our elders have taught us to use everything we harvest and to never waste. Caribou is a sacred gift, and the increasing reports of meat wastage contradict our values. This responsibility belongs to all of us: follow the laws, honour the caribou, and protect our way of life for future generations.”

(Image courtesy of Tłı̨chǫ Government)
The GNWT and Indigenous leaders plan to launch a public awareness campaign, continue regular aerial and ground patrols along the winter road, and collaborate with Renewable Resource Officers and community guardian programs.
The Bathurst caribou herd has declined by 99-per-cent over the past 30 years, with the latest population estimate at 6,850 caribou in 2022.
Janelle Nitsizo is a research coordinator with Tłı̨chǫ Government who just spent eight days at Mackay Lake stated the saddest part of her job is seeing caribou wastage.
“What I learned about good hunting practice is you don’t just shoot whatever you see! You take your time, you find a good healthy caribou to harvest! You don’t rush and take whatever! Your not supposed to disrespect the meat or the bones, by simply leaving it exposed just on the side of the road like road kill!”
She posted a disturbing photo of a baby caribou’s corpse, partially out of the mother’s womb and stated:
“This breaks my heart! Were supposed to let the mothers live, and give them a chance to birth there child to help the population grow!
“Once born they are already dealt with many difficulties, why do we take them before they even have a chance at life!?
“If you know you took a female down, why leave her baby on the side of the road, when it can be brought to our elders who see calf meat as a special delicacy! Not just wasted and left to rot on the side of the winter road!!
“My heart is in pain to see this waste! To see the caribou being disrespected! We’re supposed to respect them, they literally gave their lives up for us to nourish ourselves, the least we can do is respect there bodies when we take them!”