Frederick Blake Jr wins Gwich’in grand chief election by 100 votes

The election wrapped up on Monday evening

Frederick Blake Jr has been named the new grand chief of the Gwich’in Tribal Council.

Blake receives 604 votes and former grand chief Ken Kyikavichik rings in 100 votes short, with 515. The is according to the preliminary results posted by the Chief Returning Officer Arlene Hansen.

These votes were cast in four community, including Fort McPherson, Tsiigehtchic, Aklavik and Inuvik.

“Your deep understanding of your culture, traditions, and the unique challenges faced by your communities will undoubtedly guide your as you work to strengthen the Gwich’in Nation,” reads a congratulation letter from the Mayor of Inuvik, Clarence Wood.

Blake is the former Mackenzie Delta MLA and recently served as the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly in the 19th assembly.

Blake will serve a four-year term in this position.