Blaze outside Edzo not ‘imminent threat’ today, says NWT Fire

Preliminary mapping showing where fire started (yellow flame), where fire activity has been in last 24 hours (yellow – within 24 hours; black = more than 24 hours ago), and area burned last year near Rae (red area to east of Frank Channel). (Image courtesy of NWT Fire)

The risk of the wildfire impacting Behchokǫ̀ at Edzo within the next 48 hours has lessened today, but risks have not entirely settled and the situation could change quickly.

So, there is no imminent threat to Edzo today from the 230-hectare lightning-caused blaze which remains 17 kilometres from the community, NWT Fire stated this afternoon.

Mike Westwick is a GNWT information officer.

“The fire did not grow significantly on Tuesday, thanks to excellent firefighting efforts from the ground and air and some helpful cloud cover during the burning day,” he stated.

“Winds from the west this afternoon may cause significant fire activity by this afternoon, push(ing) the fire into the shores of Marian Lake.”

About two millemetres of rainfell in Behchokǫ̀ overnight, helpful to keep fire — known as ZF011 — activity lower than it could have been today.

That rain relief is likely to dry out quickly – returning the area to conditions which would support significant fire activity by this evening.

Airtankers made drops throughout yesterday on the south end of the fire, with a helicopter making bucket drops in strategic locations to assist ground crews.