Herb Norwegian elected Dehcho Grand Chief

Ultimately, says Dehcho First Nations Grand Chief Herb Norwegian, any such agreement between the DFN and the GNWT will need to be implemented in the spirit of "joint decision-making and shared stewardship." (CKLB file photo)

Herb Norwegian has returned as Dehcho Grand Chief after winning the election at the Dehcho First Nations general assembly.

Norwegian received the most votes after two rounds; he received 32 votes to Jim Antoine’s 25.

This will be Norwegian’s fifth term as Grand Chief. According to a news release from DFN, he also currently serves as the co-chair of the land-use planning committee and Edéhzhíe management board.

In a candidate interview with CKLB, he said he wants to reconnect with Dehcho communities so they can all be part of the Dehcho Process.

As for the negotiating table, “We will not hear government offers any more. We will be making them an offer,” he said during the assembly.

Norwegian will take over as Grand Chief for the next four years after a one-week transition period set to being on July 1.