4 COVID cases in Tuktoyaktuk; school and youth centre close

Public health has confirmed there are four cases of COVID-19 in Tuktoyaktuk.

Public health officials have identified three exposure locations in the community:

  • Mangilaluk School in Grades 9-11; on Nov. 4 and 5
  • Jason Jacobson Youth Centre (JJYC); Nov. 4 from 9-10 p.m.; Nov. 5 from 9 p.m. to midnight; and Nov. 6 from 9 p.m. to midnight.
  • Kitti Hall Community Centre; Nov. 6 from 9:30 p.m. to 10:15 p.m.

In a post to social media, Devin Roberts, the Beaufort Delta Divisional Education Council’s superintendent of education, said Mangilaluk School will be closed for 10 days.

“I want to emphasize that every school in the NWT has safety guidelines in place that were approved by the Office of the Chief Public Health Officer and that these measures are in place to limit the introduction and transmission of COVID-19,” reads his message.

According to public health, letters have been sent by the principal to staff and students asking them to isolate whether or no they are vaccinated, and arrange for testing if needed.

The JJYC also posted that it will be closed until further notice.

Health officials are asking anyone who went to the centre during the times outlined above to isolate for 10 days regardless of vaccination status and arrange for testing.

The Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority (NTHSSA) has sent a rapid response team to the community to help with testing and contact tracing.

For now, public health officials say the four cases are connected and they are all isolating safely.