Listen: Elder Claudette Commanda on upcoming engagement sessions with Day School survivors

Elder Claudette Commanda is a Day School survivor, as well as a board member and CEO of the McLean Day Schools Settlement Corporation. (Photo courtesy of Claudette Commanda)

The McLean Day Schools Settlement Corporation recently held an information session on upcoming engagement sessions with day school survivors.

Claudette Commanda is a survivor and one of the board members of the corporation.

She spoke with CKLB’s Francis Tessier-Burns on Oct. 26.

The McLean Day Schools Settlement Corporation is planning on holding 10 engagement sessions with day school survivors across the country, in November and December.

Next year, the corporation will put together a plan based on survivor recommendations on how best to allocate the $200 million legacy fund.

Note: Listeners can find the two parts of the conversation between Commanda and her grandson mentioned in the interview here and here.