CPHO orders closure of schools in Ndilǫ, Dettah and Yellowknife

K'alemi Dene School in Ndilǫ. (CKLB file photo)

Dr. Kami Kandola, the NWT’s chief public health officer, says Yellowknife Public Health can’t keep up with testing and contact tracing demand.

That’s led her to order the closure of all schools in Ndilǫ, Dettah, and Yellowknife.

The latency in testing and contact tracing means public health can’t “reliably prevent further transmission at schools,” reads a notice.

Students from junior kindergarten to Grad 12 must now move to online learning.

Day homes and daycares are exempt from the order as long as they have an opening plan previously approved by public health.

The closure will be in place until Friday, Sept. 24.

Kandola is also recommending residents work from home until then.

The current gathering order limits indoor gatherings to 25 people, and 50 people outdoors; maximum 10 people in a single household, with five coming from outside.

“School closures will place a significant burden on families,” reads the notice. “If you have the capacity to help please reach out to your neighbours and fellow community members and help one another out where it is needed.”

Isolation order

Kandola also issued a new isolation order Monday afternoon, requiring anyone that has tested positive to isolate for 10 days.

The new order means isolation requirements can be enforced under the Public Health Act.

Isolation protocols include:

Stay in the indoor portion of your isolation location for 10 days unless you are
advised otherwise by a Public Health Official or your healthcare provider.

Do not leave the indoor portion of your isolation location unless you need to seek
medical attention. If you need medical attention, contact your health care provider and
follow their instructions.

Do not have any visitors at your isolation location.

If you are at risk of more severe diseases or outcomes, monitor yourself for worsening
or severe symptoms

Call 911 if you develop severe symptoms and let them know if you have tested
positive for COVID19 or that you are experiencing symptoms of COVID19.

Residents can apply for exemptions to the order by contacting Protect NWT at protectnwt@gov.nt.ca or 1-833-378-8297.