3 additional COVID-19 cases in Yellowknife

A digital recreation of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus. (Photo courtesy of Creative Commons)

Three more people in Yellowknife have confirmed cases of COVID-19.

The office of the chief public health officer (OCPHO) says all three are residents; they are self-isolating and doing well.

All three cases are related to travel. Two are in the same household and travelled within Canada, the third travelled internationally.

None of the cases have public exposure risks at this time.

Exposure at École St. Patrick High School

The OCPHO also sent updates related to previously identified COVID-19 cases, which turned out to be MLA Steve Norn and a family member.

An individual with the virus went to École St. Patrick High School on April 19.

The OCPHO has identified about 40 contacts, which have been contacted.

As of Friday, there has not yet been a documented case of transmission of the virus within the school.

“The OCPHO has not identified any further risk outside of these identified contacts at the school and continues to monitor the situation,” reads the advisory.

Anyone notified by public health should be self-isolating for 14 days and get tested if they develop symptoms.  This includes household members if the contact cannot isolate separately.

“If a contact develops COVID-19, fully vaccinated household members have significant protection, but they are not 100 per cent protected. Even 90 per cent protection leaves some risk and this is why we are asking vaccinated household members of contacts to continue to self isolate,” reads the advisory.

Anyone who feels they may be a contact from the school can contact 8-1-1.

Exposure at Sand Pits bonfires

The OCPHO identified another location with possible risk of exposure: a bonfires at the Sand Pits that happened on April 16 from 9:30 p.m. to midnight, and the following night April 17 from 11 p.m. to 2 a.m.

Everyone that was in the are between these times must self-isolate for 14 days and monitor themselves for symptoms.

They should also contact Yellowknife Public Health at 867-767-9120 and say they are a contact related to this exposure risk.

Anyone in the same home as these individuals must also self-isolate if the person cannot do so separately.

Yellowknife residents can book a test here.